4 Seasons in Japan | Japan Travel


Written on 10:03 PM by Jeff Maze

Planning your trip to the Land of the Rising Sun? Japan is considered to be one of the best tourist destination of this time.

Japan has the four distinct season for tourist to witness and experience. You can experience: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. This happens because of Japan's latitude and longitude postions. Since Japan stretches approximately 20 degrees of latitude, from 25 degN to 45 degN, and approximately 23 degrees of longitude, from 122 degE to 145 degE, the climate varies widely from one region to region.

Spring months are March, April, and May. Summer months are June, July, and August. Autumn months are September, October, and November. Winter months are December, January, and February

When it is a rainy season, be aware that the country will be experiencing rains for 40 days in the months of June and July. While August to October is the typhoon season.

And it is said that the good times to travel in Japan might be early/mid-April, mid/late-May, October, or early November. The temperatures are mild, and there is not too much rain at that time. You can enjoy beautiful cherry blossoms in April and colorful autumn foliages in late October to November.

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